In the project Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support for Mental Health (SESAME) we adapt SW-PBS for psychosocial health in secondary schools in different European contexts.
The SESAME model aims to provide a culturally sensitive and APP-supported prevention approach for different European contexts, which improves the psychosocial health of students, reduces the burden on educational staff and shapes the school system as an educational environment conducive to learning and development.
Schoolwide prevention approaches can demonstrably lead to an improvement in psychosocial health and support educational success and social participation. In this way, they also reduce the risk for teachers and other pedagogical staff to feel burdened by students’ mental health impairments.
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS; Horner & Sugai, 2006) represents a school-wide prevention approach. SW-PBS is a conceptual framework that includes systemic and individual strategies for assessment and intervention of important emotional, social and academic skills. Therefore, it creates a safe teaching and learning environment for students, pedagogical staff and other stakeholders.
A good 1 in 5 students shows significant impairment in psychosocial health. These problems often lead to school failure, social-emotional impairment and social exclusion, and they pose an enormous challenge for their peers and educational staff.
We develop a culturally sensitive and technologically advanced adaptation of SW-PBS for secondary schools in various European contexts.
We develop an innovative training pathway for educational professionals in inclusive schools based on SW-PBS.
We develop a SESAME-APP for the successful implementation of SW-PBS methods.
We implement and pilot the SESAME model in secondary schools.
By implementing the SESAME model, we expect improvements on the following levels:
We seek to improve school
climate and digitalization.
We target to elevate the educators’ competence in the prevention of and dealing with psychosocial problems as well as their job satisfaction.
We aim to raise the students’ psychosocial health and social integration!
SESAME project can help students not only with their behavioral outcomes towards educational environment, but also improve their social interaction with other students, helps manage stress/anxiety and boost school performance overall.
Schools are expected to get an improved performance and thanks to SESAME project it will be easier to achieve both school environment and student behavior improvement.
The SWPBS approach SESAME has originated from, is also beneficial for teachers, trainers, school counsellors, researchers and other school staff, who will develop competencies in the effective support of students and their educational challenges.
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