Novembre 2019
Lors de cette réunion de lancement, nous avons rejoint tous les partenaires du projet SESAME et retracé SESAME
Juin 2020
C'était la deuxième réunion du projet SESAME. Bien que COVID-19 nous ait empêché de nous rencontrer en personne à Caen, en France, nous parvenons tout de même à nous rencontrer via une visioconférence. L'innovation ne mesure pas les distances.
Octobre 2020
Cette réunion de projet transnational devrait avoir lieu à Padoue, mais à la place, notre équipe européenne a dû se réunir une fois de plus par conférence Web en raison du risque de pandémie persistant dans le monde entier. Au cours de cette réunion, nous avons réussi à partager et à revoir l'avancement du projet et défini nos objectifs et délais suivants.
October 2021
Virtual TPM5 was lead by Wuppertal University, project coordinator and it was to talk about interim evaluation of the pilot with regard to the acquisition of schools, current status in the countries and current status of the app. All partners are working for release the SESAME APP soon.
Avril 2021
As we could not postpone any longer or LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activity) we had to reshape it into an online format via web conference. During 4 days we would join zoom call and train the SESAME trainers, who will, later on, be leading the SESAME implementation in each of their schools. Unfortunately, we could not do this LTTA in person as it would certainly be more engaging, even so, we are quite pleased with the outcomes of this training activity and the high interest of our trainers.
October 2021
Sesame Project partners and teachers had training about the Sesame App which is almost finished. Daniel Silva, trainer at ETIC_Algarve and the programmer who developed the App, showed partner schools in Italy, France and Germany, among others, how to use the application, all of its features, the different types of users and how to create users, teachers and schools.
This App, which will be able to identify young people with behaviors of anxiety, stress and depression and prevent those behaviours, it´s now in an implementation and testing phase at partner schools.
July 2022
The TPM6 was held in L'École de la Deuxième Chance in Caen, France. We have developed and presented the app prototype that can be shown as a trial version. Thanks to this solution, those who are interested in implementing SESAME can see how the app works like even before contacting us.
As this was our last meeting, we have also reviewed and summed up our work and analyzed the statistics on how the SESAME works like implemented.
We had a great closure of months of hard work with huge hopes for the future development of our project!
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